
Phone: 732-545-3953 


New Creation of the Apostolic Faith International

Community Service

Exhibiting the spirit of Jesus within and outside of our community is key to this ministry. 

Bishop Glenford Brown & First Lady Deaconess Donna Brown​....are shepherding a growing flock in a ministry of discipleship and kingdom building. Ministries have begun services in Stratford Connecticut and Jamaica, joining Somerset NJ and Yonkers NY. Come join the excitement!!

Youth Program

 Youth are encouraged to fully participate in the New Creation ministry  through choir, Sunday school and other programs which instill pride in having a Christ filled life.


(58 Churchill Avenue, Somerset, NJ 08873)

Sunday School: 10 a.m.

Sunday: 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday-Bible Study: 8 p.m.

Wednesday-Prayer Meeting: 8 p.m.

Friday-Praise & Testimony: 8 p.m.